Monday, May 09, 2005

Craigslist, part 2

Really some of these ads are just like trainwrecks...but here were my 2 faves from this a.m.

From the camp of Family Values there was this:
" No middle for me. I am a hard core right wing conservative Republican. I am also married and looking for a woman that is way right of center and would like to explore the possibilities of having an affair. You must be white, 35 to 50yrs, not to over weight, clean, love sex and know how to be very discreet. NO WIMPY LIB'S need reply."

And the prize for creativity (or sheer lunacy?) goes to:
"Gentlewomen, it is I , Gary X. Weirdofreak, shaking stuffed animals at you from th e 880/Bascom overpass. Can you climb trees? Run real fast? Type 59wpm? Take deep breaths and scream like a banshee. I applaud you. Cocaine and alcohol has made me the best man I can be, and my spirit is clean. Who is the lecherous man giving you the copulatory glare at the stoplight with his face pressed against your drivers side window? It is I.. Gary X. Weirdofreak, living with his ear to the wall."


GJC said...

All anyone would ever need to know about me to understand why my life is the quiet trainwreck it has become:

Gary sounds like someone I'd totally get along with.

(RightWing PhilanderBoi, on the other hand--two words. Needs...killin'.)

Flash said...

I'm with Gladys!
were I a lady I'd be quite intigued by Gary X!