Friday, July 01, 2005


this is an audio post - click to play


Charby said...

Thats SOOO cool!
How do you do that? Do you need a microphone and stuff?

Flash said...

I'm glad you did share it, it's so nice to hear the voice. I know you heard Lava lady's the other day, did you find it makes the blogger all of a sudden seem so much more REAL? I did then & I did just now!
Good work Spins!

P'tit-Loup said...

I'm sorry to say I could not make it work.

charles blunt said...

The audio is fantastic .I am going to have to try it real soon . Also you should show the world your painting . I am waiting for your first picture post .

HistoryGeek said...

This does make it seem so much more real - although I always think it's strange to hear my own voice.

I will have to think of a way to get some of the painting up on line - maybe have to get to kinko's to use their scanner.

p'tit-loup...good to see you have a blogger identity. You thinking of blogging sometime soon?