Friday, June 17, 2005

Morford on Coldplay

I want to preface this with the statement that I have no strong feelings about Coldplay, but I do know that some of the members of my blogger community do.

In that spirit, I invite you to read Mark Morford's SF Chronicle column about the new album ( ). It's somewhat faint praise...some of it even sounds like condemnation. It's purely Morford.



Flash said...

Ok, the guy makes lots of perfectly reasonable points but misses the point of "X & Y" by a country mile. He doesn't mention the songs. What makes a truly great album is a truly great collection of songs & every song on the album is top notch. I, at present, find myself unable to listen to anything else. It's overtaking my life because all the songs are simply utterly fab.

LB said...

Flash is absolutely and utterly correct. Even though I have listened to the thing a good twenty or so times already, I stood in a record store unnecessarily today for five minutes because they played "White Shadows" (from the album).

it is quite simply, brilliant.