Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Random morning

Everybody asks, when they learn you have a tattoo, if it hurt when you got it. And, yes, of course it hurts. But I'm amazed at my body's ability to forget pain (unless it's repetitive, of course, like monthly cramps). What people don't talk about, but I remember the most vividly from the last time around, is the itching. The tattoo itches like the devil once the healing is good and going and, here's the bitch, you can't scratch or you could risk messing up the tattoo. So every 15 minutes I'm smearing Eucerin on the damn thing because that's the closest to scratching as I can do. This part drives me bats!

Speaking of bats, I went to see Batman Begins, on a whim, last night. It was good. Good effects, good story, good direction, good set...just all around good. But who decided that Liam Neeson should be cast in that supporting role. He wasn't bad - just the opposite. I spent the middle bulk of the movie wondering when he was going to pop back into the story. He stole the film, in my opinion...and caused this solidly good film feeling slightly less because I was waiting to see him more often than the lead.

And then there is this on-line stuff. I think I really do need to stop after this round of exchanges/dates (if it comes to that). I find myself reading the responses and looking at the pictures thinking do I want to do the work of getting to know this person? It's not a good sign when I feel tired with the process, even before it begins. Maybe I just need some downtime, in general. Just a full day to sit in my pajamas in my apartment with a book and a couple of videos.


LavaLady said...

I reread your comments on my page and now really wish I'd brought that half of a Dagoba chocolate bar I'd not eaten last night to work with me today.

Your tattoo is beautiful. I've got one planned (or half-planned) for sometime this year. I definitely need (another) one. It's been 12 years since my last and I've pretty much forgotten the sensations of the needle, but the itching, *that* I remember.

HistoryGeek said...

I'm afraid that "matchmakers" would be a little sophisticated with craigslist. It's really just a board that you post anonymous messages to and people can respond. It's free, though. They are trying to expand internationally, so I think there are some UK craigslist boards...it's just www.craigslist.org if you want to check out the forum (you can advertise for goods/services/jobs/apartments, etc. too).

Calia77 said...

Oh I remember the itching. That was excrutiating! But the joyous part was when it all started to come off - then I could scratch! And I was left with this black panther in my hand! Most strange, but perversely quite fun!

Flash said...

I've always fancied a tattoo but I've always been able to find something else to spend my money on.

Lady_Blue said...

Preparation H.

I know it's a pile cream, but when I had my last tattoo, (I have 5) it stopped all itching, helped with the healing and even reduced the scabbing. If you can stand going into the pharmasist to ask for the stuff in the first place - it really works wonders. My tattoo was looking lovely within a week of having it done.

swisslet said...

tatoos are great. I didn't find that mine hurt all that much when I had it done - the best way I can think of describing how it felt was like having sunburn... a sort of nagging burning feeling. For me it was a totally positive experience, and I am so glad that I had it done. It made (and still makes) me feel a little bit different somehow.