Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Birds of a feather

This a.m. I went to get my bagel, and there was a gentleman with a white parrot on his shoulder, also getting bagels. Then I went back to my car, and a gentleman in an older Porsche arrived with a bag of breadcrumbs. The birds obviously knew him because they flocked around before he began spreading them around. Then he got back into his car and drove away.

I'm not particularly fond of birds (there was an incident with a woman-hating bird...I still have the scar), but they seem to be popping up everywhere lately.


red one said...

Oh Spin, parrots are fab!

Although I've never seen one while getting a bagel (despite a long and gluttonous bagel history).

I'm a bit puzzled by the Porsche and crumbs man. I'd always seen bird feeding either as an out-the-window at home activity or one involving ducks and a walk in the park. Somehow driving off to feed the birds seems a bit wrong...


PS smoked salmon and creamcheese on mine, please

Charby said...

Awwww. You should come see my feathered little buddies....
Actually don't cos if they see you with a packet of crisps, well lets just say that it'll make The Birds look like a friendly disney tale.

Hyde said...

That is a strange sighting. I'll check out my San Fran itinerary. Maybe we could figure a way to meet up...


LavaLady said...

I wonder what's next for you and birds?

LB said...

i love bagels. toasted onion bagel with lots of butter and marmite. hmmmmmmmmmmm.

although I dont think I have ever stood behind anyone with a parrot on their shoulder in any store. Except the time I went to a fancy dress party as Captain Pugwash and had to pay a visit to the specialist "Pieces of Eight" pirate costume hire shop....

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Kari--not a bird fan. (I always worry about my toddlers getting their finger bitten of by a jealous maccaw--a definite possibility, I'm told)...

Make mine an Asiago cheese bagel with sun dried tomato crem cheese please...

Love ya! Kara