Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I may make some enemies

But I just have to say that Morissey drives me absolutely bonkers! It is the sound of all his music (which means I just don't "get" the Smiths, either).

Anyone care to explain the attraction?


Cinemasochist said...

It's his voice. It's got a strange intimacy to it. "The more you ignore me..." is one that proves the point, don't you think?

Charby said...

I always thing he's really dreary and depressing to listen to, although saying that I do like "last of the gang to die"

Flash said...

Spins, Mozza & even more so The Smiths are/were proper special. The acctraction lies (for me anyway) in the way he expresses emotions that most other singers just don't deal with. He is also an exceptionally clever & witty lyricist. His voice is perhaps an acquired taste. I could go on & on.
But if you have the time & the opportunity seek out the song;"There is a light that never goes out" by The Smiths. If that doesn't get you then you must be dead inside!!!!

HistoryGeek said...

Perhaps I'll wait until my hormones are a little more stable before I try to make friends with The Smiths. And I do think it is mostly his voice.

Charby said...

LOL, isn't there a rumour that that songs about his fridge? or is that just me??