Monday, August 15, 2005

"I can't hold on (to anything watching everything spin)"

I'm distracted and pissed off (angry, for you Brits) tonight. I took time off from my paid job to get a delivery of furniture for my private practice office today and the damned couch didn't fit through the door. When I called the woman who will be sharing the office with me, she sounded annoyed...and I know it was at the situation, in general, not at me, but I got mad.

It probably didn't help that I had been reading my journal, and all the entries were about how alone I felt (I've found I only journal when I'm feeling down, which makes for a depressing journal). How I wanted just be there for me. And I was just angry that here is another time when I have to do it all alone (because gods forbid my colleague should have time in her schedule to wait for the furniture), and there isn't even anyone to come home and complain to or cook me dinner or help me forget for just one moment. AAAAHHHH!

So, I'm listening to angsty, angry music (Linkin Park, know the type) and dumping it all on you. And I'm suddenly wishing for a boxing bag hanging in my apartment, so I can just hit things without doing any damage to myself or my possessions.

On a good note, there's more poems - I'm going to be posting several a day until I run out and have to try writing more. So if you like what you've read, you might want to just check it out regularly for awhile. Given my mood, you might want to wait until Tuesday before giving me anything but positive feedback.


P'tit-Loup said...

Your couch incident reminds me of the time I moved in with our coleague from the Peace Corp (on Wheeler) and we moved in that ugly, huge, blue couch and managed to get it stuck in the appartment doorway. All we could do was laugh and could not move it for a good long while, half expecting the neighbor to try and come out of his appartment that was completely blocked by the ugly thing. Oh yes and at the first turn from my old house we lost a pillow and had to go back to get it from the middle of the street! You can always call and when you need to blow off steam after a tough day!

HistoryGeek said...

P'tit-loup - not quite in a state to talk, but thanks, I'll remember that for the future. There's so much I need to tell you. I think that I will send you an e-mail.

HistoryGeek said...

Thank the gods I haven't had an unfortunate accident with a small woodland creature! I wonder what the Animal Planet show would be called...? Furry ER? Or Road Kill Heroes?

swisslet said...

"pissed off" - didn't we brits invent that phrase? I'd always assumed that we had. Funny, because we generally use the word "pissed" to mean drunk and "piss off" to mean get lost, but "pissed off" has always meant angry.

hm. language, isn't it? hm?


Flash said...

Reminds me of the friends episode when Ross bought a couch....

Pivot! Pivot! PIVOT!

Sorry, that will mean jack if you didn't see it!

Hope the angst clears!

HistoryGeek said...

ST - good to know. Obviously I only knew about the one context that's used for you Brits.

Flash - yes, today I'm tired but less angsty. I have seen the Friends episode (I wager I've seen them all at one time or another, if not in proper order).

Erika said...

Oops, were we not supposed to be using our blogs for pervasive emotional dumping? Damn it. All these months of doing it wrong.

Spin, honey, we are all here BECAUSE we want to hear about your ups and your downs. Dump away.

P.S. You're a bloody good poet. I'd comment on each and every one but I'd never get any work done. You have a lovely rythm in your writing - I find myself reading them aloud a lot. Just beautiful. Never stop.