Wednesday, August 10, 2005

"Share a hug share the love"

I woke this morning from a lovely dream, feeling safe and loved. It's been a long time since I've had that strong of an emotional impression from a dream. Then I sat on the deck of the house that I'm housesitting at (let's call this one Hill House) and enjoyed the view. The fog bank was not far below, so there was a beautiful sea of clouds stretching out to Mt. Tamalpais. Gorgeous. What you see up above is the sunset from 2 nights ago.

And my day just went from hella busy to nice and quiet. I guess the universe decided I needed a little break.

Go here and read the Mark Morford column today, if you like (every time I try to link directly to him, it doesn't work...sorry). I love that man!


LB said...

a nice quiet day with that as the view. that's the life...

Fred said...

Nice view. Every day should end like that.

P'tit-Loup said...

Breathtaking! I love sunsets (not that I see any these days with all the fog!)

Matt said...


Anonymous said...

I never noticed your picture before. I must be getting old.

Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS sunset pic, very nice ;)

HistoryGeek said...

Just an FYI for those of you coming round 2 lovely spam comments. Actually, they were quite amusing. One gave me an A+ with a gold star (some over enthusiastic teacher, maybe) and the other's link purported to "reveal all the secrets there are to know between these two mecca systems." I have absolutely no idea what that means.

HistoryGeek said...

Oh, and Mystic, I just put the pic up yesterday...but it seems a bit darker than I thought it was. I'll have to play around with that.

sunshine said...

Everyones posting their identity's.

Am I brave enough???

Awesome pic. I felt like I was sitting right there with you at "Hill House".

Post more pics like that. I can mini vacation from the safety of my own bed.

red one said...

That's a fab pic. If I was housesitting near a view like that, I think the owners might have a hard time getting me to leave...
