Thursday, August 11, 2005

"Windmill, windmill for the land"

I feel a bit like Don Quixote sometimes...And sometimes, the universe seems to agree. You all know that I do a bit of tarot reading, I think. I was playing with the cards last night and asked about romantic prospects (yes, yes, I know the reserves are low for any current online endeavors). Anyway, the card that came up to represent me in the reading was "The Fool."

The fool is someone just starting out on her journey. She is prepared and excited to go, but somewhat naive in the process. In the courts, the fool was not just entertainment...the fool could often present powerful political statements or convey wisdom at times when it was not safe for others to do so. But the fool is not always careful. In her excitement, she can overlook the obvious and risk being hurt. She can pursue impossible ideas (like tilting a windmill) before recognizing the futility of such goals. The fool rushes in, in other words.

Strangely, I also did a couple of cuts with the idea in mind of show-me-where-I'm-at...and drew the Hermit 3 times in a row (after shuffling). The hermit is the fool after much journeying. She has been alone and knows the strength in being alone. She has wisdom and patience, and she uses her lamp to guide others during hard times. I'm guessing this would be a me-in-my-career thing. So I'm a newby with romance and a seasoned elder in my career. What a strange place to be in.

Up at Hill House this lunch, I ate a peanut butter (crunchy, Charbs) and honey sandwich while petting Shadow (the black lab) and staring out at the beautiful view. I will get more pics up at some point, but my software is on my home computer and I won't be back to that until Sunday evening.


Charby said...

Hurrah for Crunchy!
I've always fancied having a go at learning how to do tarot cards properly, rather than just looking at a pack and finding the nicest pictures! I should learn really!!

Anonymous said...

Yes peanut butter crunchy and tarot cards, Nothing odd about that.

sunshine said...

Mmmmmm, I'm so hungry.

Tarot Cards Rock!!!!

Aravis said...

From what you've shared of yourself here, it sounds as though the cards were fairly accurate this time. Was the Fool drawn upright, or reversed?

HistoryGeek said...

Aravis - it was drawn upright. Yay for small favors, at least I'm not off my head.