Tuesday, August 02, 2005

"She's super freaky"

This here Meme I found on The Story of Why. I’m feeling tired and terribly uncreative tonight. I’m also a little crabby because my DSL equipment hasn’t arrived. So I wrote this Monday night and am posting it Tuesday a.m. No tags, but feel free to steal the form if you like it.

10 years ago: I was finishing up my second year in the Lutheran Volunteer Corps at an AIDS hospice in Baltimore. I was probably stressing out about a job and where I would live. I was most certainly grieving…here’s from a journal I wrote in 6/95: “Michael has taken a nosedive. He doesn’t look good or sound good at all…He’s pretty panicked. I’m not ready for him to go. He’s so sweet and so young. I just get angry…I just want to curl up and give in to the grief I feel from this year.” That about sums it up.

5 years ago: I was desperately looking for work after getting my MSW in May. I’d had a 2 week trip to Scotland in May, as well. I was pretty worried about money. My grandfather was dying, and my good friend, WritinginAK, was getting ordained. I found my job, went to a funeral, and went to an ordination all in August of 2000.

1 year ago: Not too much different from today. I was starting my third year at my training program, and was worried about working with couples. I was worried about my dad, who, we were just realizing, was not going to recover entirely from the fall he’d taken in May.

Yesterday: (that’d be Sunday) I cleaned half my house, did half my laundry, and washed half my dishes. Still I thought it was a wholly successful day.

Today: (Monday) Long exhausting day with a definite high point or two. A bath after I’m done with my blog (because half of the cleaning yesterday included the whole bathroom!).

Tomorrow: (Tuesday) Another long day, but I will hopefully be getting the damned DSL cables. Trip to the post office and two clients to see in the evening.

5 snacks I enjoy: Chocolate, Whole Fruit lime Popsicles, mangoes, chips and salsa, Pringles.

5 bands/singers to whose songs I know the most lyrics: (this is going to be so sad) Helen Reddy, Adam Ant, Prince, Indigo Girls, Cat Stevens (my mom always played this when we would clean on Saturdays).

5 things I’d do with 100,000,000: Pay off my debt, buy a house, put aside a chunk for my parent’s care & housing when they are no longer independent (preferably near me), take a trip, and make a donation to Executive Director’s non-profit.

5 locations I’d like to run away to: London, Edinburgh, Hawaii, Italy, and Morro Bay (Central CA coast).

5 bad habits I have: Procrastination, leaving the dishes in the sink, leaving clothes on the bedroom floor, general disorganization of things, buying too many books.

5 things I like to do: Go to historical sites, go for walks in beautiful places, sex (cross-reference with toys, below), painting, dancing.

5 things I would never wear: Anything with a swastika on it, anything with a racist/sexist/homophobic statement on it, real fur, snake or alligator skin anything, those silly bracelets-for-a-cause.

5 TV shows I like: The Amazing Race, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (no longer playing), Dark Angel (not to be confused with Angel, also no longer playing), CSI – the original series, and NCIS.

5 Movies I like: Lord of the Rings trilogy (which counts for 3, thank you very much), Dogma, and The Perez Family.

5 famous people I’d like to meet: Janis Joplin, Elizabeth I, Catherine the Great, Henry VIII (when he was young), and Barak Obama.

5 biggest joys at the moment: My fellow bloggers, my friends, dogs, the upcoming White Stripes concert, and my upcoming trip to San Diego.

5 favorite toys: My blog, Barbie dolls (I rescue the discards from thrift stores sometimes and help them rediscover themselves, silly yes), the Turbo Glider (cross-reference with things I like to do, above) from Good Vibes, super balls, and my paints.


sunshine said...

Super Balls!!!!

That's the best part about having a kid. All the great toys.

You Rock!

Aravis said...

Great lists! We like a lot of the same things, and share a lot of dislikes as well.

I had to smile over the Cat Stevens bit. I usually listen to him while I clean also! *G*

P'tit-Loup said...

You can escape to my town anyday!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you know how strange Edinburgh loos along side of Italy and Hawaii

Flash said...

Turbo glider sounds like a razor, I'm guessing it's more fun than that!

swisslet said...

spin, I think you're great.