Tuesday, September 13, 2005

"Wild times"

Swiss Toni inspired a re-reading of my senior thesis from college last night. I won't bore you with the details, but there was this song that was my own personal earworm during the process. It was the song at the very end of the very bad Robin Hood movie (you know the one with Kevin Costner as Robin Hood). All I remember of the song right now is the title (which is the title above). But I remember wanting to include a tape of it for my teacher to listen to as she read my paper. It would have made it much more interesting.

The other thing I stumbled across was a paper on his family that my father did when he was in college. I read it and was amazed. I have been sharing all these stories with you that I realize now are cobbled together pieces of several peoples' stories. The truth is infinitely more detailed and interesting.

But then I got to thinking, in a situation like this is the truth the important thing or is it the personal mythology I've been carrying around about who these people are. Certainly the truth is important to know, but does it change where I'm going with all of this (yeah, like I have a plan!). And I decided that I wouldn't correct anything I've written here (and in fact, I have a hard time carrying the full truth in my brain, even a day later) and I'll blunder on with what I think I remember.

But not today...today, I've had a busy clinic morning and to be followed by a dreadfully boring meeting.


swisslet said...

oh great. And now Bryan Adams is in my head.

If I remember correctly, I have one of those 'acknowledgements' pages in my dissertation, and I list the people and music that have helped me through. I think I cited Morrissey, the Manic Street Preachers and Scott Walker.

Plus ca change.


Anonymous said...

The only robin hood song that ever goes through my head is the old English televison series one

robin hood robin hood
riding through the glen

robin hood robin hood
with his band of men

feared by the bad
loved by the good
robin hood robin hood