Saturday, January 07, 2006

"I know I'm small in a way, but I know I'm strong"

So I don't know if it's because it's the weekend and there's nothing stressing me out, or if the medication can really have an effect this quickly...but this a.m. I woke up and immediately knew that there was something different. I felt clearer than I've felt in a long time. Things interested me. Random shit on the radio made me laugh. I went out to a gathering and didn't feel completely alone. I haven't cried once.

But I've spent most of the day mistrusting it. It's the same feeling I had when I passed kidney stones. I'd get a lot of pain, then the pain would stop for awhile. I always felt like I was just waiting to see if the pain would come back. It's like that...sure that at some point my mood will tank. But it hasn't. I feel good...even.

My Saturday was otherwise pretty non-eventful. I saw clients in the a.m., then spent the day napping and reading. Tonight I went to a birthday party for the Physicist up at Hill House. I learned that her husband has just gotten a job to head up an international team working on wave mechanics or some such. Her specialty is magnetic fields. Whenever they start to talk about their jobs, I really only understand about every other word.

Tomorrow I'm up early to go grocery shopping, then start working on packing and moving.


Aravis said...

I'm so glad that you've had at least one good day. You deserve it!

Hyde said...

Yay for feeling better!



Matt said...

Do whatever it takes to make you feel better. Ultimately, this is not a rehearsal, and we need to find well feelings wherever we can.

Fred said...

Love the comment about understanding every other word. My job wasn't all that complicated in the corporate world, but most people didn't understand multiple regressions that I had to do in the compensation field, so I just gave up mentioning what I did.

Hope you're having a great weekend. I have to scroll down to catch up with your car and other things.

LB said...

don't wish it away, take it as you find it.

easier said than done....

Anonymous said...

Yay feeling better. any good feeling is a good thing no matter how long it lasts and i hope it lasts a long time! was very nice to start off the weekend hanging out with you. good luck on the packing!

Flash said...

Yay, yay & thrice yay!