Monday, May 15, 2006

"There's a new game we like to play, you see"

When I was about 13 years old, I discovered a book in my closet. I shared a room with my sister at the time...we had a very deep closet and it was very messy most of the time (lot's of boxes, clothes and shoes on the floor). The book was tucked underneath some of my sister's things (there really is no privacy when you share a room). I can't remember the name of the book. I do remember that there was not much of a plot - just little vignettes about men in medieval times who would lure nuns or innocent virgins into "situations." Given the period of the book and the power inequity it wasn't a stretch for them to be about dominance and submission.

Such themes have dominated (hee hee!) my fantasy life ever since. It is not the only kind of relationship that I want, but it is something that I've always wanted to explore.

SlowTalker let me know very early in our e-mail exchanges that this was something that he too was interested in - but opposed to the strictly male=dominant, female=submissive dynamic, he was interested in someone who had the ability to switch roles. I agreed, and so we began our "play" last week. Continuing last night.

I won't go into more detail other than to say that I'm continuing to have fun! And I'm looking forward to more.

P.S. Since my post started with references to Sister, I should add that I'm pretty pissed off at her. I called my mother yesterday for Mother's Day, and asked if they were going out for dinner. She said no. She'd wanted to go out for brunch, but Sister decided that this was the weekend that she would go up to open her "cabin" (read: RV that's parked behind a bar in some rural area of Wisconsin). It would be too "hard" for her to get back for brunch. FFS! It's not like she didn't have plenty of warning that it was going to be Mother's Day. And for any apologists out there, she pulled the same sh*t on Father's Day last year. Promising to come by, then not being able to make it back from the "cabin" and promising to call...but somehow not being able to manage that either.

Breathe, Spins, and go back to your happy place...


Cody Bones said...

Remember, Selfish is as Selfish does. Sounds good, huh?

Jessica said...

DO you use whips and handcuffs and stuff?

HistoryGeek said...

Whips? Not exactly.
Handcuffs? No but there were restraints.
Stuff? Oh, definitely stuff!

Flash said...

Oh lordy, London spawned a monster!! ;-)

Flash said...

Oh & what a masterful choice of lyric, Spins!

Anonymous said...

it's amazing how the sexual stuff you see and read when you're young follows you into adulthood...things that maybe you didn't fully understand as a kid but that eventually come into sharp focus (and how!)

Anonymous said...

What can I say?

Hyde said...


Jessica said...

Mystic & Hyde, both speechless!?!? Now you've done it, spinster!

Aravis said...

Have fun Spins! *G*

As for your sister, she sounds like my step-sister. I'm sorry your parents were on the receiving end of that disappointment. An extra Happy Mother's Day goes out to your Mom then!