Sunday, June 04, 2006

Ouch! Damnit!

I slept for about an hour when I woke up with an ear ache in my left ear. This happens periodically to me...not an infection, but a congestion of the sinuses in that part of my head. I took an additional antihistamine and have been sitting up for the last hour in order for the sinuses to, slowly, drain. I'm starting to feel a wee bit lightheaded, so I think the antihistamine is starting to work. But that also means that I will probably be running to the bathroom more than usual tonight. Blech. Why do we have sinuses, anyway?

And since I'm kvetching...California has a primary election on Tuesday, and I for one will be heartily glad when it is over. Every single f*cking commercial on television tonight was a political ad. And I gotta tell you, they just aren't entertaining (and let's face it, when you are home alone on a Saturday night, you want entertaining). I think that at this point, I might be convinced to vote for the person who had the guts to come up with a clever ad.

I think the ear has stopped hurting enough to try lying down again.


Fred said...

Sweet dreams. Hope you have a great Sunday.

Hyde said...

Yuck. Hope you managed to get some sleep!


P'tit-Loup said...

Flash, I don't believe you know just how much american political adds suck. You comment just comes up a tad short of what I have experienced here in the US. (Me, sarcastic? Naaaahhh.)

Ethel said...

That sucks. I've had ear and sinus issues most of my life. Not infected, just chronically stuffy. Blech! Hope you are feeling better!!

Aravis said...

Feel better, Spins!