Thursday, June 22, 2006

Spare the Air

It's hot! I'm not one who loves hot weather, so living in the Bay Area is perfect for me. Usually the weather is comfortably in the 70's or upper 60's in the summer. Yesterday and today it's getting into the upper 80's. I know, I know, I'm spoiled and that's really not so bad. But consider this: when you live somewhere that doesn't regularly get that warm, you don't need things like air conditioning in your home. So on the days when it does get that still don't have the air conditioning.

It's not so bad when you are doing your best to perfect the couch potato attitude with the fan blowing directly on you, but get into bed (which seems to radiate heat in the summer) and there's almost no chance of getting to sleep. It did cool down a bit last night, and I was able to sleep some, but, damn, I hope this is over soon.

I really do think there is something more profound that I was going to write about today, but I just can't think of it right now.

Oh, I did walk to work today, since it was a Spare the Air Day. And as I was walking to work, I thought, "You really should be walking to work most days, chica!" I need incentives to do this...hmmm, I'll have to think on that.

It's Pride Weekend, so my beloved radio station becomes KGAY for the weekend! I really do love them! Last year, in the 2 days of KGAY, they played Pink's "Let's Get This Party Started" at least 4 times. And that was only the times that I heard it (I only listen to radio in my car). I'll try to remember to keep count this year.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to take KGAY as my new nickname ;) Happy Pride amiga! Our house btw is a freakin' sauna!

Jenni said...

It was in the 90s here one week when I was without a/c. I feel your pain. I took cool showers at night right before bed, and that helped in cooling me down enough to get to sleep. Hoping you are able to cool down soon.

Aravis said...

No air-conditioning here either. Just fans strategically placed. Stay cool, and good luck motivating yourself to walk more. That can't be easy on those hotter days. :0(

P'tit-Loup said...

I guess I am somewhat deranged. I love the heat, and unfortunately we are still mostly in the fog here in my town. I did get a chance to get hot last week-end (see my own post) and loved every minute of it.

Fred said...

I guess you wouldn't like Florida, then. Mid to upper 90s with high humidity until mid-September.

I love it.