Thursday, October 19, 2006

I really have to update my blogroll

Among other things...I still have a large number of pictures to also share with you all. *Sigh*

I went for a walk yesterday, and I have to tell you that I have allowed myself to get horribly out of shape. Part of this is sheer laziness, part is an ongoing struggle to manage chronic pain on the right side of my body. I've always carried my stress most strongly in those muscles, but then I had a car accident about 3 1/2 years ago and the impact was on the right side of the car. Since then the aches and pains have been much worse. Lately, my right hip has been giving me a lot of discomfort.

So now I see a chiropractor regularly...I went to an accupuncturist on Monday. If you haven't ever been to accupuncture, let me tell you, it works miracles on back pain. I went in with my mid-back sore and a tension headache. The pain was gone when I got off the table. Between the two things and daily stretches, I'm hopeful that some of this pain will subside.

I also had a doctor's appointment last Friday, and because of a high blood pressure reading at the beginning of the appointment, and then a normal reading at the end, she's sending me off to see a cardiologist to consult. S asked me how I felt about this. I don't think I thought much about it until he asked (probably was trying not to think about it). I told him it was probably a good idea, since my mother had a heart attack at 41, and I'm now 36. Of course, after telling him that, I've been obsessing about this fact. Well, obsessing might be a strong word, but it's definitely been on my mind.

On a positive note...on the walk yesterday, I got to see lot's of puppies and even got to pet one. It was also a good reminder of how much of a stress relief exercise is.

P.S. Drat that Jack Sparrow, anyway! It turns out that pirate costumes are expected to be the biggest sellers this Halloween. It's just not fair, I got my costume ready over a week ago and now it's the most popular.


Flash said...

Great minds think alike Spins!
Just make sure you have the best "Gaarr!"

Hyde said...

I'm sure your pirate will kick all the other pirates asses. As for your last post on choice-- it's an issue that has been plaguing me lately ("I can" vs. "I can't"). Choice is exhausting. The modern dilemma, I suppose...


Aravis said...

It's good to check on the heart thing given family history. Sometimes though it's as simple as a change in stress level from the time you walk in to the time you leave. Here's hoping that's all it was for you!

And while there may be lots of pirates this year, you'll be the prettiest. :0)