Saturday, October 28, 2006

Where does the time go?

I thought I'd blog on Friday and didn't. I thought I'd blog earlier today and didn't. But here I am with tons of things going through my head.

I'm staying overnight tonight at HippyChick and BeeDragon's to watch the cats, but I've spent the last 2 nights with S. On Thursday, we went to try a new place that serves chicken and waffles. Is this just an Oakland thing, or do other places do this? It's a fun combo - part breakfast part dinner. good for the arteries. We went to his house after that and he introduced me to his home version of Dance, dance revolution (or whatever it's called). It's hard to do! He told me that he was pretty impressed with how I did, though, for a first timer.

I spent most of the day yesterday doing errands. Went to my therapist and was able to talk out some things about my sister. It was a good session. I think it helps when I walk to my sessions. I am not so wound up getting there and I can get into things much more quickly.

Then last night, I headed back over to S' to meet up with he and SS. We went to the Good Vibrations 1st Annual Erotic Film Festival at the Parkway theater. It was fun. We got all dressed up. Some of the movies were very art-y, but interesting.

We went back to S' place and played, then woke up and played some more. I'm very tired today. I don't know about anyone else, but I always feel like I need sugar after sex. We had a giggle this a.m. because as we were just beginning to bask in the afterglow, as it were, we were serenaded by a neighborhood cat getting lucky nearby. It was pretty funny.

Today was spent seeing clients and napping. Now I'm going to indulge in watching HC & BD's cable (maybe see if they have some Daily Show tee-voed), and eat sushi when it arrives. Tomorrow I meet up with S and SS again. I have no idea what's planned.


Aravis said...

Your weekend sounds full and fun. I've never heard of a chicken and waffle place. What a combination! I'd definitely try it. *G*

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the television. I have recently started to watch a series that has just come out on DVD.

It's called Big Love with Bill Paxton. It really deserves a viewing.

I have a new url for my blog. If you're interested in updating it here it is

Cody Bones said...

Sushi and the Daily show? how lucky can one girl get. Enjoy