Thursday, November 02, 2006

Good morning

As is often the case after spending 2 days at home sick, I convinced myself this morning that I was well enough to drag my butt to work. I have and now I need a nap. Joy! Good thing that I have tomorrow off.

My head is spinning with many things that I would like to blog about that I probably won't get around to: the article I read about singles which elucidated our extreme cultural bias towards marriage and family; pondering why people ridicule others; a rant about my extreme distaste for political commercials; and the work I've been doing to plan a Thanksgiving weekend trip.

I will tell you that I had the strangest, most disturbing, dream last night. I dreamt that I woke one day expecting it to be Thanksgiving Day, and found that it was Xmas eve with no memory of the intervening month. It was bizarre. And frightening. And involved almost all my family. Ah, something to talk about in therapy tomorrow!


Okay just one rant about stupid political commercials. One of the men running for insurance commissioner has an ad that starts with an old picture of him. The voice over says, "I was really fat." Then it flashes to him in a pseudo-medical setting with a nurse removing a bloodpressure cuff from his arm. He says, "I made a promise to my family to lose 70 lbs and I kept that promise. I promise to bring insurance rates down for you."

So because he's lost weight, he's the right man to be insurance commissioner for the state? What does one have to do with the other? It's also a dangerous message, perpetuating the myth that losing weight is simply about willpower and commitment.

The sucky part of all of this is that I can't even claim this as a partisan issue. The man is a democrat and probably the one that I will vote for. I have to admit that if I were to vote for candidates in this election based on the quality of their campaign commercials, I'd be voting pretty squarely Republican. (I know, I know all this proves is that the GOP has more money to spend, but still get a little creative!)


Cody Bones said...

I say slap him because what does the state need another insurance commish for. They do NOT set rates, the market does, and if they would allow a little more competition, then the rates would fall. Lousy bastards.

Aravis said...

The Republican candidate for Senator here in CT is the only one who hasn't run a negative ad, whose ads speak only of what his position is on various issues. I disagree with him and won't vote for him, but I admire his campaign more than anyone else's.

Of course, he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning. The race between Ned Lamont and Joe Lieberman has all of the attention and Schlesinger (the Republican) is barely a footnote.