Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I had a very vivid dream last night about visiting with my old friend that is now a priest. I went with him to a very large and fascinating church. They had their own dining room and there were all sorts of crazy nooks and crannies.

The main part of the dream was watching my friend prepare himself to be pure for communion, then observing the mass. It was a quite large congregation who seemed to be a very close-knit community. Very odd dream.

I made it through yesterday back to work after vacation. But I think I'm not getting enough sleep. Tonight, after choir, I am going home right to bed.

I'll write a bit more, perhaps, today about my experience at the Rosicrucian Museum this weekend.

1 comment:

Hyde said...

I'm not getting enough sleep these days either... I'm interested to hear about the museum though... :)
