Monday, March 27, 2006

Busy bee

Isn't it always the case that the week before a big trip is just busy? It seems like it for me. The worst was my first trip to Scotland, which took place 3 days after I graduated from Berkeley, which, of course, took place less than a week after my final papers were due. That was intense.

This time, not so much so, but there is some bit of pressure to make sure things are settled at work reasonably. There's also the little details, like getting a travel umbrella and putting a vacation hold on my mail. Then on top of that, transitioning everything from B into my name with the apartment...which reminds me to call the management company this a.m. Then there's getting things settled with the practice so that my client's have coverage if they need it. Little things build up to a lot, eventually.

B's husband is flying in on Wednesday, so there will be 3 of us at the apartment. It's a little strange - I feel a bit like I will be intruding. It's also sad because it feels like the end of a really good comeradery that's developed between B and I.

To end on a positive note: V for Vendetta was a phenomenal movie. I really feel like it brought the story up-to-date without distracting from the original message. The only thing I missed that wasn't there was the bit about V's strange behavior while a prisoner. Seeing it on the Imax screen was fun too. I've never seen a regular movie that way.

Have a fantastic Monday all!


Hyde said...

I still really want to see that movie... You must be so excited for the trip! Try not to stress too much. You'll get everything done.



Charby said...

Not long now!

Ethel said...

Glad you enjoyed the movie. Have fun getting ready for your trip!

Aravis said...

Yes, that week before going away is usually stressful. But then it makes that moment when vacation starts all the more sweet. I'm so excited for you! :0)