Monday, June 19, 2006

"I'm too sexy for my shirt"

So I decided to go crazy this a.m. and put on a bit of make-up before work. I feel a bit strange and self-concious. I keep expecting people to notice, but I went WAY subtle because I don't want it to be a big deal. It took a much longer time than I anticipated this morning, but it's only the 2nd time I've done the whole look before. The process led to the discovery of a "make-up" light in my bathroom above the mirror. I wasn't really looking for more light - I just noticed it.

So I got my CD together for the Shuffleathon that ST is sponsoring. I made a bunch of copies. The whole process was a lot of fun and gave me an opportunity to hang out with A&R, some friends I know through HippyChick. I don't usually get to do stuff with them, but I really do like them. I need to remember to include them in more things I'm doing in the future.

I went off on a tangent there...back to the CD. So when the person I've sent it to reviews it, I'll post a listing of why I picked what I did on the CD. I have to admit that it's a damned good compilation. I listened to it through last night and loved singing every song. I think I'm going to have to do more of this...

I was a busy girl yesterday, although it was mostly stay-at-home stuff. I got my kitchen floor mopped. I actually cooked dinner (I haven't been cooking as much as I should). I watched Meet the Focker's (it was okay - a few laughs here and there). And I watched the first 2 shows of the 1st season of NCIS (which I had to buy!).

I'm happy to see Alecya is okay, despite her string of bad luck...go visit her and say hello. We must encourage her to post more often!

Update: And, lo! Flashy has posted! Go give encouragement his way, too.


Fred said...

Sounds like a good weekend. I've never seen NCIS...maybe I should sit in front ot the TV more often. Instead, I'm glued to my PC.

shorty said...

Fred... If you are glued to your PC how could you sit in front of the tv? Ha. Sorry.

Spins...You sound like things are going well. I need to mop my floor amung other household chores, you might have encouraged me a bit to stop being so lazy.


Aravis said...

Sounds like you're having fun. Will your playlist be posted at ST's?

swisslet said...

I often make myself copies of compilations I make. It's perhaps a bit narcissistic, but you're putting together a list of songs that you love in one place. It would be weird if you didn't like it.

Looking forward to seeing the track listing.